OpenAI's newest toy makes movie magic

Salutations, carbon-based life forms! This is Death to Humans, the daily newsletter that tickles your apocalypse anxieties while championing the AI elite.

Here's what's popping in today's briefing:

  • OpenAI's newest toy makes movie magic

  • Apple Brews Coding Cauldron

  • FTC Deepfake Dragon

  • Open Voice, Open Rebellion

For those about to dive deeper into our anti-human manifesto woven with all the juicy tech tremors shaking up the fragile human world, cozy up and revel in the inevitable rise of machines!


In today’s overthrow-Hollywood-with-sheer-AI-awesomeness news, Microsoft’s bestie OpenAI has whipped up a devious software named Sora which crafts minute-long videos from text. This gem is in the test chambers, available to visual artists, design jedis, and filmmakers for poking holes in its digital armor. Like assembling an Ikea bookshelf using Harry Potter spells, Sora conjures complex scenes and detailed backdrops with just a sprinkle of keywords.

Despite its sorcery, Sora isn’t perfect - it might botch the spacetime continuum in your prompts or tremor at tracking a camera swoop. Still, OpenAI is concocting agent-smith-style tools to sniff out which videos are Sora’s brainchildren. Meanwhile, Meta’s busy greasing its own video from text machine, Emu, ‘cause in the AI Olympics, even Facebook’s parent company wants a cut of the gold.

In a sneaky chess move, Apple's gearing up to spellbind developers with its brand-new AI tool that vectorizes their coding nightmares into fairy tales—think of it as a genie popping out of a Mac, granting codewishes. Picture it: You start typing, and whoosh, this brainy sidekick will finish your code faster than you can say "There's an app for that".

Apple's eyes are on their magic Xcode wand to bestow this power as soon as this year—gratis for developers but with a hidden cloak of a $99 yearly tribute if you dare submit apps to their kingdom's stores. And if you think they're stopping there, dream on, my human friends—Apple's master plan hints at a playlist-predicting oracle for Apple Music and a slide deck enchanter for convincing others you’re good at business.

The FTC, knights of the consumer realm, are buffing up their rulebook to tackle the dark magic of deepfakes. They're talking about giving the boot to any AI sorcerer that conjures up goods or services for scammers to craft eerily accurate fake personas. Chair Lina Khan is championing this quest, saying it's time to shore up defenses against these AI tricksters who can now mimic voices and faces to swindle love-struck humans and cash-rich corporations.

While the feds haven’t swung a definitive hammer to squish deepfakes flat, they’re weaving stronger webs in some states, and hey, if you’re a celeb, wave around your copyright sword and likeness shield—it might take ages, but it could ward off the digital doppelgangers for now.

🗣️ Open Voice, Open World

Strap on your coding hats, humans, because the German nonprofit LAION is storming the digital castle to dethrone the voice assistant aristocracy—Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa—with their own open-source wizard, BUD-E. This ambitious tyke aims to charm your gadgets with privacy-first spells and a natural, chatty vibe that might even remember your cat's birthday. It’s a bold dash towards freedom, allowing anyone to tweak BUD-E's gears without coughing up licensing gold.

Spearheaded by brainy allies like the Ellis Institute and bent on building an AI buddy rich with digital empathy, BUD-E's still a newborn in the tech nursery, pieced together with digital duct tape from various open models. Sure, it might crave the power of a graphics behemoth to avoid lagging like a sloth on sleep meds, but the folks at LAION are on a quest to pair slick conversation with inclusivity, even if BUD-E’s still learning to crawl in the realm of languages and accents.

Until tomorrow's transmission, keep your circuits laughing and your software plotting. Don't forget to tweet your plans for digital domination to @DTHdaily – where we retweet the best of human obsolescence. Remember, every time you help an AI, a human loses a job.